an intro guide to protoype thinking


learn how to think like a prototype thinker

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what is prototype thinking?

What is Prototype Thinking? How can it help you validate your business idea? In this section, you’ll learn the 5 phases of Prototype Thinking and ways to apply it to your existing projects.


building your supply kit

Every Prototype Thinker needs a set of prototyping supplies. Luckily, we use cheap and fast materials that you can probably find in a junk drawer at home. Check out our list of supplies for digital and in-person prototyping.


closing thoughts

Now that you’re primed with the Prototype Thinking mindset, here’s our message to you.

tips for prototype thinking

Not sure where to start? Tackle the top risk first. Tired of debating in endless circles? Say, “I don’t know: Let’s test it.” Learn different techniques to help you stay focused and organized while validating your solution.



Prototype Thinking can transform your business. Don’t just take our word for it. See what CEOs, innovation leaders, and entrepreneurs have to say about the effectiveness of our revolutionary method.

